A new home…

Donna       2 Comments on A new home…

As Google continues to make changes (um, delete services), it’s time for me to move my last blog over to WordPress.

So this is the new home for Hopping thru my days. on the website My Prime Years (not to be confused with Our Prime Years. As time goes on, images may disappear from older posts. I will try to keep an eye on them, but, well, you know. Time! There just isn’t enough of it.

On another note, I am Waaaaaayyyy behind in reading blogs and updating this one. Next week should be better. I am finally up to date with everything that popped up while I was at the Writer’s Police Academy (and the following week). Curious about the event? I wrote a five-part series. Here are the links…srrry for the reverse order – easier to cut and paste. LOL!

  • Writer’s Police Academy 2023: Part 5
  • Writer’s Police Academy 2023: Part 4
  • Writer’s Police Academy 2023: Part 3
  • Writer’s Police Academy 2023: Part 2
  • Writer’s Police Academy 2023: Part 1

So what do you think of the new format?

2 thoughts on “A new home…

  1. CoolJudy

    I am also “waaaaaayyyy behind in reading blogs and updating” my own! I will try to follow you wherever you take me. 👍😘🥰

    1. donnamcnicol Post author

      Ah, thank you. This blog is a more personal slice of my life and thoughts.

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