Another sign of aging…

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All my wool EXCEPT sweatshirts, sweatpants, leggings, joggers, shorts, tank tops, and underwear (bras & panties).
Those are all in my dresser.

This one is simple – clothes should be comfortable and presentable. Period. I no longer need to appease the fashion gods. Simple looks, looks that skim the unsightly (to me) body parts. Colors that make me smile. Material that’s soft.

I’ve posted about my love for merino and the best things are the comfort and longevity of the clothes. An additional benefit it much less laundry to do – wool repels dirt and odors. And, with the hand wash cycle on my machine taking less than fifteen minutes along with ten minutes in the dryer, I’m using a lot less electricity on the few loads I do every month.

Have I over-bought? Sure. I still like to get multiple colors in things that I know I will wear often. I even have a couple of duplicate colors in the same item, just in case. I know, feel free to laugh at me. But it makes me happy.

I still have to go through my old leggings and my long/short-sleeve tee-shirts. I have too many and they haven’t been worn in over a year. No more impulse purchases for a cute graphic shirt or colorful leggings.

And shoes? I still love my Allbirds merino shoes, I think I have narrowed it down to five pair (one is high top and two are water resistant). I have two pairs of non-wool {snicker} flip-flops (Teva Mush) and three pairs of non-wool {snicker again} Skecher sandals. Oh, wait. I’ve recently added a pair of Hey Dude slip-ons (okay, maybe two pairs).

After the tee-shirts, what gets tackled next? My tote full of cruise/travel stuff – actually two totes. The travel one is shared with hubby. I forsee a LOT of clothes headed to donation.

Hey, I feel lighter already! What about you? Doing any minimizing in your home?