
Donna       Comments Off on Blogging…

I started my first blog in 2006 as a widow who was considering selling everything and becoming a full-time RVer. Click to read my first post on my my first blog (ignore missing images, things have changed a lot over the years). I used Blogger and stayed on that platform for many years with half a dozen different blogs for different purposes. It was a great way to stay in touch with family and friends and a good spot to send new friends to. When my husband was diagnosed with cancer, the only way I kept everyone updated was with group emails. Blogging was much easier.

I eventually moved all my blogs to WordPress and while there was a learning curve, I loved the flexibility. You can see that in these photos. 

Readership was high, a lot of comments were shared, and it felt good to be able to keep in touch. When I first joined Facebook in 2009, that was another good way to keep in touch as well as share blog posts. All was good.

Fifteen years later, Facebook has morphed into an advertising platform and very few people read blogs and fewer still comment on them. Many of the blogs I used to follow to keep in touch with friends (a lot of them full-time RVers at one time) have gone silent. I use a blog reader and have to sporadically remove blogs with no posts in a year or more.

So – why do I still do it? For the few that do enjoy reading the posts and let me know. And for the joy of writing. It’s my online journal, especially 

This particular blog isn’t advertised/shared in many places and sometimes I just like to post personal thoughts here. Some are deep and some are frivolous. Some are for fun, some are – well – they just are. This is my personal space. Other than my wool posts there is no rhyme or reason to what is here. But feel free to follow – just click the SUBSCRIBE VIA EMAIL button on the right of any page after entering your email address. You’ll receive an email anytime I publish a new blog post. NOTE: If you have a WordPress login, you can follow that way, just click the button below the subscribe section.


I will continue blogging until my brain stops functioning – if I can’t type, I can still dictate. Right?