It’s hard for me to give up on things. I tend to be a bit stubborn. I’m also a bit resistant to change at times. But once I make up my mind to do something, I want to do it now.
I’ve been contemplating a change for a while now. I don’t normally spend four months before making a decision, but there were extenuating circumstances.
What am I talking about? My fiction writing. I’m burned out. Tired. Stressed. Even writing a blog has become torture. It’s time for a break.
I’m not giving up. Not yet, at least. But I am taking a break from my fiction writing. Blogs will be sporadic. I have so few readers of either my author or personal blogs, I doubt they will be missed. I need to spend less time on Facebook as well. Maybe visit once a day.
Hubby says I will know when it’s time. He also says when it stops being fun, then stop doing it. Right now, it’s not as much fun and it feels like work. I’m retired. I don’t need to work.
Still considering this and am only semi-committed to finish one more book this year and that isn’t promised.
Hmmm, what would I do with all the spare time?