Anyone who has known me for very long, knows I love coffee. I’ll continue drinking, even after it’s gotten cold (I do have a Mr. Coffee warmer on my desk). I’m not big on foo-foo drinks but I do love a good iced cappuccino. And I do enjoy McDonald’s coffee – senior size with two cream and two sugars.
At home, we have a Keurig and I mostly drink my coffee black. And strong. We buy our coffee from (formerly Maud’s) and the pods are recyclable. We drink a lot of coffee and their prices save us money. Our Keurig has an iced coffee setting that really gets used in the summertime. It also brews in different sizes and has a strong setting. I admit to loving that machine.
My favorite coffee pods are French Roast (dark), Tall Dark & Handsome, and Kona (dark), all from and brewed in a 12oz size. I might could do a medium blend in an 8oz. My other two favorites are McCafe (when I want to try to emulate the real thing) and Starbucks Sumatra (dark).
Hey, I think it’s time to go brew a new cuppa.
Hmm, should I move to a new letter and away from the letter C? Do you have any words/phrases you want me ramble on about? Who knows, I might just do it.