Share Your World – 1/6/2025

Donna       2 Comments on Share Your World – 1/6/2025
I decided to answer today’s SHARE YOUR WORLD questions – just in case you might be interested.
You can see the original post here.

Here are today’s questions and my answers.

What is the weather like today where you are?
Cold with a dusting of snow combined with a bit of ice underneath. We are under a winter advisory watch…again. Glad we rescheduled the two appointments we had for today and tomorrow.

Have you booked your annual vacation yet?
No vacation planned this year but we will have a couple of small trips. One to Florida next month for hubby’s retired firefighter reunion. We’ll visit some family while there. Then in May, probably head to Maryland for the next great-grandbaby (our first great-grandgirl) and in August there is a grandson wedding planned in West Virginia.

Do you have a passport, and when does it expire?
Yes, we both do as well as passport cards. Hubby just renewed his last year and mine expires in 2029.

When was the last (or first) time you went abroad?
If by abroad you mean Europe, our first and last time was October 2023 when we took our two month vacation that included three cruises and a month in Europe. That wasn’t our first trip out of the country (USA) though, having been on many cruises to the Caribbean over the years as well as trips to Mexico and Canada.

I’m so thankful for a husband who can do most any repair, build stuff like our new deck and a lot of the work to build and work on finishing the inside of his hobby barn. He installed our generator and we don’t have to worry about power outages during the winter cold spell.

2 thoughts on “Share Your World – 1/6/2025

  1. Di

    Useful guy to have around. Mine’s like that too and I was told to keep him because he was useful………….. he was breaking into my friend’s car as she’d locked her keys in it!


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