It’s Monday and Share Your World time. I enjoyed doing this last week and thought I’d participate this week as well. Enjoy!
- Children aside, do you celebrate your birthday/anniversary or is it just a normal day for you?
It’s pretty much a normal day. When my current husband and I got together, we adopted his celebratory style. A double movie date!That was when we were in an RV and traveling with no pets. Now we have to board our #2dudes overnight for any movie date. And in the last couple of years, there haven’t been two movies we’d like that are running at the same time.
The only other thing is dinner out with my lasagna as a treat. Yum!
- Do/did you always give your child a birthday party when they were young?
Yes, even if it was just for family. We never had the money for the big parties but did do a McDonald’s style one once. - If your child was born on Christmas Day (or a few days either side of the 25th), did they have a ‘half birthday’ in June, two presents/celebrations, or something else?
My kids were September, November, and February. I never heard of half birthdays till my hubby mentioned it. His birthday is close to Christmas (a week away) and he likes half birthdays. LOL! - Would you prefer to give your child a party, or take them and a few friends on a special outing?
I’ve always had a hard time dealing with a large group of kids. I’m sure it stems from my childhood when I was shy and typically only had one good friend, other than cousins. So a few friends was much better and sleepovers were mostly limited to one or two.

Thanks for sharing your world again this week Donna. My great, great nephew was born on Christmas Day in 2013 and I have no idea how they celebrate his birthday as I have no contact with that side of the family. I had a friend at school whose birthday was on Christmas Eve and she had two Christmas Days. More recently, an acquaintance had his daughter's birthday on Christmas Eve, his birthday on the 26th and their wedding anniversary on the 27th. They just celebrated all week!
I like the idea of a week-long celebration! Thanks for dropping by…