Things I’m too old to do anymore…

Donna       4 Comments on Things I’m too old to do anymore…

As I look back over the past over seventy years, I realize my priorities have changed and there are some things I just won’t do anymore.

– I’ve never enjoyed arguing and hated debate even in high school. I tend to avoid confrontation whenever possible. But now, I just let it go. The majority of things aren’t that important and if someone is set thinking one way, my argument isn’t going to sway them. Much more peaceful this way.

Get Up Early
– I spent most of my adult life with an average of five hours of sleep, trying to make up on weekends when my kids got older. Now I go with how I feel. I only set an alarm if I HAVE to be somewhere early (and I avoid this whenever possible). Now, I sleep in until I feel awake enough to get out of bed. And it feels GOOD!

Care for People Who Don’t Care Back
– This was a hard one but one I’ve had to accept. Not everyone is going to feel about me the way I feel about them. So, onto the back burner they go. I will no longer let them take up space in the front.

Participate in Drama
– This isn’t as simple as it sounds, at least for me. But I’ve finally realized those who want drama in their life don’t really need me in the middle of it. I’ve always been a mediator and now I’ve resigned that duty. It’s not my job and I’m okay with that. I don’t need to solve everyone’s problems.

– I’ve never liked climbing up ladders but around the house I’ve often used step stools and chairs to reach things higher up. No more…too many falls have taken their toll on my knees and hands. Now that I know I have osteoporosis, preventing falls is critically important. So, no climbing – other than stairs.

Kneel or Sit on the Floor
– Have you knelt lately? Sat on the floor? My leg strength isn’t what it used to be and I’ve had to accept it. To get off the floor means getting on all four limbs to get up. Kneeling, pretty much the same. Even sitting on a low stool can mean having to pull myself up. Hey, growing old isn’t for sissies!

Be Serious
– I’ve always been a serious person with a Type-A personality plus a workaholic. Life’s too short! I now laugh at myself more often and do all I can to keep it light. 

4 thoughts on “Things I’m too old to do anymore…

  1. Marion - Westerling

    We actually have a neighbor here who painted on their garage wall that comment about growing old is not for sissies, lol

  2. AAnnie

    Getting up off the floor is my only exercise, so I can’t give it up yet.

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